Stockist exclusivity
In order for our regular trade customers to maintain a level of exclusivity within their geographical area, we have set out terms and conditions regarding the supply of more than one stockist in nearby locations. As a growing business, the issue of exclusivity is important to us, therefore in order to address this issue we have drawn up guidelines which include our expectations for companies wishing to sell our products, and equally our commitment to our loyal stockists who support us by ordering regularly and paying on time.
Our aim is to reassure our regular customers that if they show a reasonable financial commitment to stocking our products, we will reciprocate by not selling our products to another stockist in the same area.
We cannot guarantee stockist exclusivity but are open to discuss exclusivity in your area. Our terms are based on a minimum level of annual sales and frequency of orders.
Minimum level of annual sales: £1200 (including VAT)
Minimum frequency of orders: at least 3 orders per 12 months. If you have not placed an order for 12 months we will consider you to no longer be stocking our products.
If you do not wish to spend £1200 per year, you can still be a stockist of our products but we will be free to supply other stockists in your area.